Q: I’m a doctor. How do I protect myself from lawsuits and accidents at my practice?
Q: I’m starting a small shipping company. How do I insure several trucks under one policy?
Q: I run a business with only remote employees. Do I need commercial property insurance?
If you’ve had questions like this, you should ask an insurance agent! The benefit of having an expert in the field in your corner is that you can better understand what’s at risk in the world of business – an environment that is constantly changing with new circumstances and emerging tech. Securing your business is essential, but complicated.
Who might need Commercial Property Insurance?
Commercial property insurance is about protecting your company’s physical assets — walls, floors, fixtures, ceilings, computers, even the sign out front. With the right policies for your business, you won’t have to pay on your own for damages from fires, wind, hail, or collapse.
Does your business have a physical location? An office, a storefront, a booth, a dock, a parking lot? Even if you work entirely from home, what about your computer? All of these, and much more, falls under the category of Commercial Property Insurance.
Of course, your needs as a business owner may vary, so please talk to one of our agents and we’ll help target your specific needs for business property insurance.
Who might need Fleet Insurance?
We’re all familiar with auto insurance for a personal vehicle. Fleet insurance is for business that relies on vehicles: you can cover them all under one policy. Vehicles that are owned, borrowed, leased, rented — there are ways to cover them all.
If your business relies on the transportation of any kind of goods or service, then it’s likely you’ll need fleet insurance. Our agents will help you determine exactly what is best for your business.
Who might need Liability & Umbrella Insurance?
Liability insurance covers Bodily Injury and Property Damage caused by a business entity. That might mean a customer slipping on ice in your parking lot, a fender bender caused by one of your trucks, or countless other more complex scenarios.
On that note, Umbrella Insurance can expand your protection and coverage with a higher dollar value threshold for claims above and beyond your general liability limits.
Who might need Professional Liability Insurance?
Professional Liability coverage is sometimes also referred to as “E and O” insurance, or Errors and Omissions. It is designed to protect professionals from liability claims resulting from errors, negligence, or failure to perform professional duty.
Doctors, lawyers, beauticians, and other professionals offering expert services seek Professional Liability coverage. Our agents can talk you through the process.
Who might need Worker’s Comp?
Worker’s Compensation Insurance provides peace of mind for both you and your employees when work-related injuries occur. What constitutes an on-the-job injury is more complicated and varied than you may know if you’re just starting out.
Our agents understand state and federal laws and can help you understand the best policy for your business.
Disclaimer: Insurance Products are NOT FDIC INSURED. NOT BANK GUARANTEED. MAY LOSE VALUE. NOT A DEPOSIT. NOT INSURED BY ANY FEDERAL GOVERNMENT AGENCY. Insurance products are offered and sold by Kennebunk Savings Insurance, a subsidiary of Kennebunk Savings.