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368 results

Fire Up Your Savings Game: Saving Money at the Grocery Store

...the unit price as your comparison number: calculate the price per pound, ounce, or use: Price divided by pounds, ounces, uses (i.e., loads of laundry, sheets of toilet paper), etc....

Why Is My Debit Card Declined?

...factor (your PIN) which may satisfy the enhanced security protections that have been put in place and allow you to complete the transaction. 2.Only Use Chip-Enabled Terminals. The chip in...

Experienced Buyers

More mortgage options can open new front doors Change is easier if you know someone has your back. That’s us. We can show you some mortgage options to help make the change you want possible. Since i...

Educating Kids About Financial Wellness the process and have them help with the research. You can show them the factors that go into making the decision and have them help you compare the options...

How AI Can Undermine Bank Fraud Protection Efforts

...which a call coming in appears to be from a loved one’s number, have been common practice among bad actors for some time. Another common tactic is known as a...

first time homebuyer

Mortgages 101: Brush up and be ready to buy You did it – you budgeted, you researched, you planned. Now you’re here, and we’re here to guide you through these next crucial steps. We know it seem...

Women and Credit: Here’s How to Get on Solid Ground

...outright. Perhaps because of this, women also put off applying for credit when compared to men, even when they need it to get on solid financial ground. Compounding these challenges...

Anatomy of a Fraud: “Tech Support” Scam

...trick you into coming to them. Scammers pose as representatives from a tech company – Norton Antivirus is very common, as is MacAfee. Sometimes the scammers pose as representatives from...

Business Banking in Southern ME & Seacoast, NH

Calculators  are estimates, used for educational purposes only. Please consult a tax or financial planner for additional assistance.

Spotlight Fund

How we decide who receives Spotlight Fund contributions Each year, our team proactively researches and identifies pressing issues affecting our local communities. We meet with leaders in the field to ...