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151 results

Huntington Common Charitable Fund

What is the Huntington Common Charitable Fund? When the Huntington Common Retirement Living Community was sold in 2006, the proceeds were set aside under the auspices of the Kennebunk Savings Bank Fou...

How Much Should I put in My 401(k)?


Save for Long Term Care

Product Card

Business CDs


Cybersecurity Month Resources and Games

Have you ever heard of a “tech support scam”? We’ve seen many cases of this style of fraud attempt, and so we broke it down, step-by-step, in a feature we...

Financial Tips for College Grads

Spring college graduates are currently basking in the glory of wrapping up their degrees over the last month or so. However, in many instances, their downtime will be short-lived, as...

5 Tips for Retirement Planning

Are you planning to retire soon? If so, you’re in good company (in the next seven years, approximately a fifth of the U.S. population will reach the traditional retirement age...

first time homebuyer

Mortgages 101: Brush up and be ready to buy You did it – you budgeted, you researched, you planned. Now you’re here, and we’re here to guide you through these next crucial steps. We know it seem...

Experienced Buyers

More mortgage options can open new front doors Change is easier if you know someone has your back. That’s us. We can show you some mortgage options to help make the change you want possible. Since i...

Home Equity Loans and Lines of Credit

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