Effective February 18, 2025, all of our branches, including drive-ups, will open at 9:00AM Monday – Saturday.  On Friday, we will now close at 5:00PM. On Saturday, our Main Street, Kennebunk; Woodbridge Road, York; and Kittery locations will be drive-up only. You can find a complete list of branch hours here.

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Bradford C. Paige

Banking, Retired



What does a good day at work look like to you?

Any day that I feel like Kennebunk Savings has made a difference to a customer, an employee or a member of our nonprofit community. It could be approving a loan for a first-time home buyer or start-up business, helping an employee take the next step with their career or facilitating a donation to get a nonprofit’s fundraiser off the ground.

What do you like best about the culture at Kennebunk Savings?

That it breeds and fosters a shared passion among all of us for doing the right thing and maintaining a genuinely high level of integrity.

What living person do you most admire?

Anyone who has the fortitude to stand up for what they believe in.

What words or phrases do you most overuse?

“Umm” and “Don’t do that, Dennis.”

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